Officetrax Service Agent

Connect with companies looking for service in your field.

Leading Service Managers and Brands are able to find your business and hire you for new jobs with Service Agent.

How Service Agent Works

Create Your Free Profile

Create your free profile where you're able to add your logo, phone number, company description & more.

Manage Your Information

Organize and manage information such as your rates, insurances, & more.

Make The Connection

Accept service agreements from leading service managers, begin work, and create invoices.

Work Anytime, Anywhere.

All you need to use Service Agent is a browser with an internet connection. There is no software to install or downloads to be made. Officetrax Service Agent works on any device, anywhere.

Ready to get started?

Create your free profile to be seen by those who are looking for service in your field. You'll have access to powerful tools that help you provide better customer service and get more business.